YES. This is the real deal. The bust of Nefertiti! Oh, those Germans and their stolen art. Honestly, some of the most amazing museums I've ever been to.

Sometime soon, I'll post a whole series of photos of Lindsey and I. We have started this whole posing thing... Anyway. Here's a preview:

We rented rowboats! Champions, if I've ever seen them.

Poor Khoi. Scared of heights. This is us at the Reichstag!! I kept forgetting I was carrying scissors in my bag. They were confiscated twice on this trip by security. Berlin security guards, forunately, were the nicest I've ever met.

Also, I would like to dedicate an album to Khoi and all the hilarious photos we've captured of him. Is it wrong to have this much fun hanging out with your teachers? :)

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